今天有友人來家玩, 還幫忙收拾娃衣箱... 感謝(跪)
是說前幾天買到了一本叫Valon的新雜誌, 還邀請了Salyu作訪問嘉賓.
怎麼說, Salyu應該算是Mary Go Round的靈感來源還是引發者還是怎樣.
以"Mary Go Round"這個新名字出發是去年的事.
怎麼說, 就像リリィ シュシュのすべて裡面的一句對白"從前那個我已經死掉了"
在站裡也說過, Mary Go Round的意思是一種氣氛圍, 一個隨處可見的很普通的女孩子, 一個相信自己堅持走下去的女孩子.
像Lily Chou Chou.
碰到asa是我的運氣. Lily Chou Chou是我們共同的憧憬. 所以Mary Go Round是我們的共同目標.
而Mary Go Round就是來自Lily Chou Chou. 她是蒼井優, 是Salyu, 是那個綠油油的草地蔚藍的天空之間的以太.
呀~~~ 好感性哦
Everything is coincident
Sorry for typing neither Chinese nor Japanese in this entry.
Well, I believe my English should be better than any of these two languages.
I'm now in love with the 30s to 40s Hollywood.
I've just watched 2 movies by Shirley Temple and some old animations by Disney. I also bought the 1939 Gone with the wind and the Wizard of Oz. Clark Gable's cool!
I'm crazy about the little Shirley Temple at the moment. She's sooooo cute!
I got inspired watching her movies and I'm going to make some YoSD dresses after her. Let's wait and see.
By accident, I browsed a site of a (I believe quite famous) Japanese doll dress dealer today.
There's a set of new dress in the shop and the set is marvelous. But what catching my eyes is that some part of the dress looks really alike as my last SD dress "Gretel".
Seeing the page, I immediately whispered "Oh my god" to myself. I know, plagiarism is hot in the community. Surely I know my clothes has nothing to do with her set and my design was out far before she displayed the clothes. But to be fond, no one would know or care as long as I sold my set on auction in a later time. What was worse, I'm a Chinese.
I feel so sorry if anyone is thinking I'm plagiarising anybody.
There's tons of coincidence in the world, isn't it huh?
Hey, I care what other people say you know, who don't care?
Well, I believe my English should be better than any of these two languages.
I'm now in love with the 30s to 40s Hollywood.
I've just watched 2 movies by Shirley Temple and some old animations by Disney. I also bought the 1939 Gone with the wind and the Wizard of Oz. Clark Gable's cool!
I'm crazy about the little Shirley Temple at the moment. She's sooooo cute!
I got inspired watching her movies and I'm going to make some YoSD dresses after her. Let's wait and see.
By accident, I browsed a site of a (I believe quite famous) Japanese doll dress dealer today.
There's a set of new dress in the shop and the set is marvelous. But what catching my eyes is that some part of the dress looks really alike as my last SD dress "Gretel".
Seeing the page, I immediately whispered "Oh my god" to myself. I know, plagiarism is hot in the community. Surely I know my clothes has nothing to do with her set and my design was out far before she displayed the clothes. But to be fond, no one would know or care as long as I sold my set on auction in a later time. What was worse, I'm a Chinese.
I feel so sorry if anyone is thinking I'm plagiarising anybody.
There's tons of coincidence in the world, isn't it huh?
Hey, I care what other people say you know, who don't care?
把眼睛裝回去時才認真的看那雙眼, 這個質感, 可是這個透光度...
"喂, 你家大米那雙是甚麼眼?"
"你說呢? 村眼呀"
我家大米在用的那雙村眼已經夠不透光的了(看樓下那個po), 拍照時總是不反光. 真是低處未算低.
某A曰:"很差嗎? 不差了啦, 我還有歪瞳的"
把眼睛裝回去時才認真的看那雙眼, 這個質感, 可是這個透光度...
"喂, 你家大米那雙是甚麼眼?"
"你說呢? 村眼呀"
我家大米在用的那雙村眼已經夠不透光的了(看樓下那個po), 拍照時總是不反光. 真是低處未算低.
某A曰:"很差嗎? 不差了啦, 我還有歪瞳的"
Trinity 村上
今天在商務看到村上春樹的1Q84賴明珠版已經出來了, 有hard cover 跟paper back 兩種, 放在店頭最當眼的地方.
先去格價一下, 應該會買paper back的. 我一直覺得hard cover是讓不看書的人放在書架上show off的. 嘛... 因為hard cover 的書真的很難翻(好啦只是我沒力), 然後hard cover真的很好收藏.
然後又晃到大眾文具店書局買筆甚麼的, 然後某人拉我蹲到某個書架的最最最底層前,
出版日是今年的11月20幾號, 明明是新書卻被放在最不起眼的角落.
真是此村上龍不同彼村上隆, 一個寫書一個畫畫. 人家村上隆老師隨便畫幾個小花就被香港潮店當成貢品來供奉.
人家村上龍跟村上春樹被稱為日本文壇的"W村上", 可是村上春樹老師在港台皆是作狀品味的象徵,
呀~~~~~~ melody覺得好失望呀~~~~
先去格價一下, 應該會買paper back的. 我一直覺得hard cover是讓不看書的人放在書架上show off的. 嘛... 因為hard cover 的書真的很難翻(好啦只是我沒力), 然後hard cover真的很好收藏.
出版日是今年的11月20幾號, 明明是新書卻被放在最不起眼的角落.
真是此村上龍不同彼村上隆, 一個寫書一個畫畫. 人家村上隆老師隨便畫幾個小花就被香港潮店當成貢品來供奉.
人家村上龍跟村上春樹被稱為日本文壇的"W村上", 可是村上春樹老師在港台皆是
呀~~~~~~ melody覺得好失望呀~~~~
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