最近照片拍得非常不怎麼樣... (淚目)
背景的人是我)ミ ゚Д゚彡 請無視. 還是最喜歡Macaron (´∀`)
超久沒有去過了, 店裡頭好像有裝修過, 之前裡面有座籬笆(有夠詭異) 現在不見了, 於是店裡面比從前寬敞了好多
服務員小姐一直跟我們講英文, 正當我們以為她是ABC的時候她就用廣東話跟其他店員說話了
從前是這樣的嗎? 好像不對哦... 還記得以前服務員小姐上咖啡的時候還說了一句"請先嘗嘗再加糖"(因為太詭異所以記著了)
話說後面桌的兩位日本太太大概覺得沒有人聽得懂日文, 一直超高聲在講八掛.
本來是打算接下來逛一下Soho, 可是因為兩個人都太拖拉, 於是Tea完後天已經全黑,
只逛了一兩家店, 後來在某店遇到這位差不多有1M高的小姐
於是, 她找到家了XD
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PASS: 4dace2de6f4de1e7661528c0bc099d44
uuuuuuu shoooop???
XDDDD i want buy this b4.......but so girly la.........
TITLE: Re: No title
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PASS: 74be16979710d4c4e7c6647856088456
yes ar yes ar~~~
It's not that girly on me so I think it's ok for you wor.
I remember there was another colour, which is darker... Have you try on?
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PASS: 4dace2de6f4de1e7661528c0bc099d44
I tried on la.......too fancy and over for me
btw i lover there design so much
just not that match with me~~~~only~~~XDDDD
TITLE: Re: No title
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PASS: 74be16979710d4c4e7c6647856088456
hahaha~~ XDDDDD
asaki and I love it too!!
Some of their design very boyish ar~ but also very cute >w<
But if wear too many their items one time will be too over ar...